


祛痘产品排行榜10强 用效果和口碑说话的祛痘产品

01-13 阅读( )


1 LA ROCHE-POSAY clarifying meticulous milk

Control oil secretion, reduce and inhibit acne, black head formation. Dredge the pores, improve rough skin, restore skin smooth and delicate, contains hot spring water, skin is excellent, high tolerance.

祛痘产品排行榜10强 用效果和口碑说话的祛痘产品 

1 理肤泉清痘净肤细致乳


2 snail essence raw liquid

Natural snail dope called skincare liquid gold, repair damaged skin, not only acne, you can also repair pox, currently on the market are not many natural snail dope, Chinese Henan along the Yellow River and Swiss snail dope is recognized as the best of the two estate, Henan snail dope long-term for South Korea and the French big supply of raw materials, is from the Yellow River's declared by natural snail essence liquid, good effect used in explosion, Hollywood star Annne Hathaway in his twitter, everyone is free to recommend Amway.

祛痘产品排行榜10强 用效果和口碑说话的祛痘产品
2 宣致蜗牛精华原液

3 Vichy resurfacing anti acne essence

It is suitable for oily or physiological acne skin. It contains a unique formula of ZINCADONE A to make the skin refreshed. It controls the production of excess oil, tightens pores, and improves skin quality, smooth skin and blemish.

祛痘产品排行榜10强 用效果和口碑说话的祛痘产品
3 薇姿油脂调护抑痘精华露
适合油性或生理性粉刺肌肤,含有独特ZINCADONE A的配方使皮肤焕然一新;控制多余油脂的产生,紧致毛孔,并明显改善肤质使皮肤光滑,瑕疵消失。

4 Freeplus anti acne essence

The pH value is the same as the skin, and it is weak acidity. In the prevention of acne, while protecting the skin from external stimulation, keep the skin delicate and smooth. With bactericidal effect, it can prevent acne and blisters early. Inhibit excessive sebaceous secretion, tighten pores, and prevent greasy skin. The moisturizing effect of the water without oil can keep the skin tender.

祛痘产品排行榜10强 用效果和口碑说话的祛痘产品
4 芙丽芳丝抗痘精华液

5 lion acne cream

The lion acne cream really windy, caused by pressure on the adult acne is very effective, can remove fat particles, kill bacteria, eliminate the swelling reason. The effective component is the skin test Bloven, a derivative of Bloven, and the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are very powerful. Weak acid, relatively small irritation.

祛痘产品排行榜10强 用效果和口碑说话的祛痘产品
5 狮王祛痘膏

6 Xiaolin pharmaceutical acne removing acne paste

The things of the Kobayashi pharmaceutical company are still trustworthy, and this kind of acne acne cream is also well received.  The main function is the bactericidal sulfur, the anti inflammatory glycyrrhizic acid and the super strong kaolin. For the big acne, stay up the night acne and my aunt's acne are very effective. Light yellow paste, fresh and not greasy, before going to bed on the hair acne skin, once in a while will become white, second days will disappear a lot.

祛痘产品排行榜10强 用效果和口碑说话的祛痘产品
6 小林制药祛痘祛粉刺膏

7 Clinique relieving acne and refreshing blemish

Among many famous imported acne products, only Clinique (Clinique) is a professional cosmetic brand. This soothing acne acne Concealer has entered the forefront of acne care brand.  Peroxidation can completely remove the irritants that cause acne and help to keep the skin clean. In addition, vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps skin resist free radical damage caused by daily environmental invasion and avoid skin sensitivity and acne. But it should be noted that benzoic acid has strong drying and astringency effect. It can only smear on inflamed pimples on a small scale. Excessive use will make skin burn and leave pigmentation.

祛痘产品排行榜10强 用效果和口碑说话的祛痘产品
7 倩碧 舒缓暗疮清爽遮瑕膏

8 H2O water

This is a quick effect acne removing and eliminating pox print special effect essence. It combines the active essence and 3A formula to upgrade the efficacy of controlling pox, in addition to anti-inflammatory effect, it has more activation and repair of skin cells, which helps to accelerate the recovery of acne and quickly eliminate redness and smallpox and India. Effectively control the secret of face oil, make skin oil balance, acne acne quickly eliminate redness and swelling, and it can also effectively kill dead skin, prevent pore blockage, and make skin become young and smooth. But benzoyl peroxide can cause some adverse reactions, such as mild local itching, burning, erythema and mild peeling and other adverse reactions, but does not affect the continued use of.

祛痘产品排行榜10强 用效果和口碑说话的祛痘产品
8 H2O水芝澳祛痘精华

9 Neutrogena anointment

The unique patent formula can penetrate the pores to eliminate bacteria causing acne and control skin oil secretion, reduce and treat acne. It can be directly applied to the affected area, and it can be coated two to three times a day. The main anti acne ingredients acne gel is oxidation of benzene concentration of 2.5%, so that the concentration is enough to make the acne cure but not excessive, cause skin irritation, redness, sensitive or dry peeling.

祛痘产品排行榜10强 用效果和口碑说话的祛痘产品
9 露得清暗疮膏 

10  Fresh white mud Deep Cleansing Soap

Contains 10% argillaBianca, from Umbria mountain a very rare and primitive alkaline soil, containing multiple effects. Alkalinity is used to correct the imbalance of skin and inhibit redness of skin. It contains rich minerals, anti-inflammatory and good absorbability. It's the stimulation from acne, acne to eczema, urine eruption and so on.

祛痘产品排行榜10强 用效果和口碑说话的祛痘产品
10 馥蕾诗白泥深层洁面皂



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