


英国Boots博姿全球连锁公布 销量最高的面膜排行榜

08-27 阅读( )


1 SK2 boyfriend mask

The main component of the SK2 mask is SK2's signature "PITERA". This natural ingredient can significantly improve the metabolism of the skin epidermis and reverse the age of the muscle. After you stay up late, then a former boyfriend mask, dark heavy really will say goodbye to you!

英国Boots博姿全球连锁公布 销量最高的面膜排行榜

1 SK2前男友面膜


2 announce snail facial mask

Natural snail dope called skin soft gold, with moisturizing moisturizing effect is very good, for sunburn, frostbite, skin aging wrinkles and acne repair is very good, so popular in Europe and the United States, this mask is Chinese from Henan the Yellow River basin are global Certified Natural snail dope mask, South Korea is also Ian CLARINS France and raw material suppliers, now this mask in Europe and the United States has sold more than South Korea Ian, but in the local China because advertising is too small, sales are not good, but by virtue of the original natural snail will boost sales of liquid.

英国Boots博姿全球连锁公布 销量最高的面膜排行榜

2 宣致蜗牛面膜

3 cream Essence Mask

Containing marine collagen, glycerin moisturizing ingredients, containing acid, lemon extract soft cutin ingredients, for dry and rough skin has very good ease, for mild skin hydrating.

英国Boots博姿全球连锁公布 销量最高的面膜排行榜
3 肌美精渗透保湿面膜

4 snow essence essence mask

KOSE has been famous for its whitening products, and their family's star sign "snow essence" has been loved by countless people. Snow essence essence mask has retained the high efficiency whitening ingredient, simultaneously has joined the moisturizing ingredient, whitening, moisturizing two error. This mask has a very dense texture, but it's not sticky at all. After each application of the mask, the skin can feel the obvious shine, whitening effect is also a lot of support for users is full of praise!

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4 雪肌精精华面膜

5 Kiehl's  White Mud Mask

Kiehl's most representative of a cleansing mask, many Master have recommended oh! Just a little exciting when using. After the white mud washed, black head will come out, with acne needle cleaning, the whole face feel fresh, and then come to a replenishment mask, skin absolute water dangdang!

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5 科颜氏 白泥面膜

6 Estee Lauder super double layer repair mask

This is the first "metal mask", which combines the ingredients into the mask. It is said that a mask contains 1/2 of the concentrated essence of a small brown bottle. Also because of the special metal cover on the outside, "special moisturizing double layer superconducting repair mask" will not be like the traditional mask because of too long deposited, resulting in moisture has been sucked away shortcomings. And its penetration effect is super, after the application, the whole skin is very full, bright. Although the price of this mask is not cheap, but the use of people have the same feeling, that is, excellent value for money!

英国Boots博姿全球连锁公布 销量最高的面膜排行榜

6 品牌特润双层超导修护面膜

7 Avene moisturizing facial mask

Avene's moisturizing mask in mask products should be very affordable, and her replenishment mask is her home products containing mineral water, only with sp品牌 products, the skin has a very good soothing and moisturizing effect. Coated with a thick layer on the face, after a period of time found that the mask will be absorbed. The instructions require a certain period of time to wash, but they can be painted overnight. This mask focuses on water, for mature skin, nutrition is not enough, this paragraph is more suitable for soothing mask.

英国Boots博姿全球连锁公布 销量最高的面膜排行榜

7 雅漾舒活保湿面膜
雅漾的补水面膜在面膜类产品中应该是非常物美价廉的,她的补水面膜是她家产品中含矿泉水量仅次与喷雾的产品,对皮肤有很好的舒缓和补水效果。涂厚厚的一层在脸上,过段时间就发现面膜会被吸收。按照说明是要求过一定时间洗掉的,但实际上是可以涂抹过夜的。 这款面膜着重补水,对于成熟皮肤,营养是不够的,此款更适于做舒缓面膜。

8 Laneige Strawberry Yogurt Mask

Many skin sensitive people are reluctant to use this facial mask, afraid of the plant particles wear off the skin. In fact, do not panic, yogurt has the role of calming the skin, especially suitable for use in summer, placed in the refrigerator after the use of good results. The biggest advantage of this mask is cheap. Miss Kim, a beauty columnist once said in a chat, "Laneige's products are very cost-effective.".

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8 兰芝草莓酸奶面膜
很多皮肤敏感的人都不太愿意使用这款面膜,害怕其中的植物微粒磨损肌肤。其实不用太惊慌,酸奶有镇静肌肤的作用,特别适合在夏季使用,放在冰箱后使用效果很好。 这款面膜最大的优点就是便宜。美容专栏作家金小姐有一次在聊天的时候就说,兰芝的东西性价比很高。

9 Fancl silky Brightening Mask

Sensitive skin is not completely exfoliating, but most of the exfoliating products are too strong. Fancl's new mask can gently exfoliate. A transparent gelatinous substance that can be used on the eyes and lips. After use, the nose on both sides of the small black pores are gone, with the touch of the skin exceptionally smooth, and feel particularly good.

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9 Fancl柔滑亮肤面膜
敏感肌肤并不是完全不能 去角质 的,而是大部分去角质产品刺激性都太强。Fancl的这款新面膜,能够温和地去除角质。透明的胶状质地,竟然可以使用在眼睛和嘴唇部位。用过后,鼻子两边的小黑毛孔都不见了,用手摸皮肤异常光滑,感觉特别好。

10 wood source of water, drink night Intensive Nourishing Mask

Dedicated to solve the problem of the loss of skin moisture night disposable sleep mask, can take advantage of sleep time for the skin side add water side lock moisture, to reproduce the full sense of water in the morning, dense water, deep nourishment, comprehensive solution to dry skin. 

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10 悦木之源水润畅饮夜间密集滋养面膜

【下一篇文章】:适合秋冬的面膜 补水保湿修护滋养面膜排行榜10强



