


全球第一女网红 Michelle Phan良心推荐好用的化妆品

10-16 阅读( )
Michelle Phan之所以能成为全球第一网红是因为她只推荐良心产品,这一点让大家都特别喜欢她。

Michelle Phan以拍摄化妆教程为主要视频内容,是目前在全球最火的的女网红,在YouTube上的播放量超过其他所有女网红的总量,她的化妆教程中最出名的视频是关于如何画出Lady gaga的妆容。这个视频介绍了怎样创造出Lady gaga的标志性扑克牌妆容。网络走红后,她担任了美国兰蔻官网的彩妆产品代言,世界知名的流行杂志和媒体都报道过她的经历。我为什么翻译这个网红的文章,因为这个网红只推荐好的,不推荐名牌和贵的,这一点我感觉到了良心推荐。

1. American AHA acid foam cleanser

Alpha HydroxAlpha Hydrox this brand is the high price of American pharmacy products, with simple and crude acid series of skin care products to win by American dermatologist recommended. No fragrance, no alcohol, no grease, soap free, mild stimulation, also washed clean, makeup can be easily removed Oh, strongly recommended!

全球第一女网红 Michelle Phan良心推荐好用的化妆品


Alpha HydroxAlpha Hydrox这个牌子是性价比很高的美国药房产品,以简单粗暴的果酸系列护肤品取胜,深受美国皮肤科医师的推荐。不含香料,不含酒精,不含油脂,不含皂基,温和不刺激,还洗得干净,淡妆可以轻松卸掉哦,强力推荐!

2. Xuan snail solution mask

This is a low-key skincare raw material company, South Korea and France Ian Jiao Yun Shi and ele in Thailand are imported Chinese Henan the snails liquid raw materials, ancient China the Yellow River basin with proper snail growth temperature and humidity, is the world's largest producing snail dope, dope called snail skin care lotion is liquid gold, total global recognition, especially the damaged skin, repair effect with snail dope surprise you!

全球第一女网红 Michelle Phan良心推荐好用的化妆品



3. Korea eSpoir no wear magnet velvet face lipstick

Whether it is international big or South Korea native, fog face gives people the feeling is a kind of natural long in the mouth, will be more gorgeous, ESPOIR no wear a Velvet Matte is moisturizing lipstick, many Korean stars choose a lipstick, moisturizing effect lasting color dazzlingly beautiful.

全球第一女网红 Michelle Phan良心推荐好用的化妆品

3.韩国eSpoir no wear 磁石丝绒雾面口红

不管是国际大牌还是韩国本土的,雾面给人的感觉会是一种自然长在嘴巴上的,会更艳丽,espoir no wear的磁石丝绒雾面保湿唇膏,是很多韩国明星都选择的一款口红,颜色鲜艳夺目,保湿效果也持久。

4. Japanese MUJI Muji + sensitive muscle toner *400ml

Yes, Muji also has skin care products and cosmetics, no fragrance, no coloring, no irritation, no greasy after finishing, suitable for sensitive muscle sister. And the capacity of 400ml is less than one hundred, the price is really high.

全球第一女网红 Michelle Phan良心推荐好用的化妆品



5. Thailand THANN pure rice series natural lip balm

THANN is one of the hottest, top and most natural SPA skin care brands in Thailand. All materials are taken from nature without any pigment, essence and preservatives added. Before bed must be painted some, oh, get up in the morning, you can harvest unlimited moisture plump lips!

全球第一女网红 Michelle Phan良心推荐好用的化妆品



6. French DR.PIERRE RICAUD ultra high efficiency firming Neck Cream

This is a high efficiency and compact function of the United States neck cream, is DR PIERRE RICAUD boxing products. It gives the neck cells the ability to make collagen fibers, rebuild the fiber network structure, rapidly improve, regain vitality and elasticity, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and make the neck contour obviously modified. Net red small greasy, also recommended in the blog Oh!

全球第一女网红 Michelle Phan良心推荐好用的化妆品

6.法国DR.PIERRE RICAUD·超高效紧致美颈霜

这是一款具有高效紧实功能的美颈霜,是DR PIERRE RICAUD的拳产品。它赋予颈部细胞制造胶原蛋白纤维的活力,重整纤维网络结构,迅速提升,重获生气与弹性,减轻皱纹及细纹,使颈部轮廓明显得到修饰。网红小腻腻在博客中也有推荐哦!

7. Japanese HABA G *180ml

There's no added brand in Hokkaido, and there's a lot of marine products in the formula. The main component of non additive, ORBIS more than 0 products to achieve cleanliness, many preservatives, unique formula, different from the mainstream style, with less emulsifier. Recommended product is make-up water G lotion, the use of feeling like boiled water, calm and soothing effect bar!

全球第一女网红 Michelle Phan良心推荐好用的化妆品


一个北海道的无添加品牌,配方里很多海洋产品。也主打无添加,成分上比orbis更洁癖,很多产品实现了0防腐剂添加,配方有特色,与主流风格不同,乳化剂用的少。推荐产品是化妆水G lotion ,使用感像白开水,镇定舒缓效果一级棒!

8. Japan CHACOTT stage loose powder

COSME ranked first in Japan and Chacott powder, is a very professional brand, their home arena dedicated powder is a good, won several awards first prize in Japan COSME. The biggest feature is fine without makeup, in oil control and waterproof, sweat, absolutely comparable to the powder! Silty fine degree is also very good, after the makeup has a natural matte effect, very natural makeup.

全球第一女网红 Michelle Phan良心推荐好用的化妆品



9. Korea Gangwon mild cleansing water

Super cleansing water, containing hot spring ingredients and plant essence, is known as the brush can sleep makeup remover, after blasting Beidema makeup water, even if it gets into the eyes will not hurt oh!

全球第一女网红 Michelle Phan良心推荐好用的化妆品



10. U.S. EM Michelle Phan double high light tolerance bar

The United States is a Vietnamese beauty Master and L'OREAL launched its own brand EM, very easy to color away, can be directly used hand away complete Biying high light tolerance! And I always feel like an artist with my pen painted on my face!

全球第一女网红 Michelle Phan良心推荐好用的化妆品

10.美国EM Michelle Phan 双头高光修容棒

是一个美国越南裔的美妆达人和欧莱雅联合推出自己的品牌 EM,非常易上色推开,可以直接用手推开完成修容鼻影高光!而且拿一直笔在脸上画的感觉自己像个艺术家!

【下一篇文章】:法国本土销量最好的化妆品排行榜10强 Yves Rocher发布



